Where can I buy Old Masters Stain in San Antonio?
Old Masters is recognized for its comprehensive wood stains and finishes for retail paint stores like Pintura Paint in San Antonio, Texas. Old Masters Stain supports wood finishing products for the woodworking enthusiast and professional and believe in quality that lasts, attention to detail, integrity, and enduring craftsmanship. We sell a lot of Old Masters Stains to our professional painters that want a quality product that will last. There are lots of other affordable products that Pintura carries, but Old Masters is the one the pro’s go to. Old Masters comes in a variety of options: wiping stain, gel stain, penetrating stain, water based wood stain, fast dry wood stain, masters armor, and oil based polyurethane.
Pintura Paint carries all the paint and stain products you need whether you are a professional painter or a homeowner looking to tackle some projects around the house. Come in and see why the pro’s get their paint and stain from us. We are family owned and operated in San Antonio.